Current Projects

Current  Projects

Tidwell & Associates, Inc. has evaluated grants and conducted special studies for 35 years. Our current projects are listed below.

Current Projects

1. Roads of Independence

SC Department of Mental Health (SCDMH). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) funded Healthy Transitions Grant.

October 2018 to current.

Evaluator – The ROI project aims to conduct outreach and improve services for youth and young adults aged 16-25 who have a serious emotional disturbance or a serious mental illness. Both direct services and infrastructure development are included in the project.

Evidence-based additions to the existing system of care include drop in center for transitional age youth and young adult peer mentors.

The project is being piloted in three South Carolina counties – Sumter, Kershaw and Lee.

The evaluation consists of:

a. Collection of GPRA performance data.

b. Analysis of this data in relation to the project’s objectives.

c. Provision of quality improvement recommendations.

2. Healthy Recovery Initiative

Team Management 2000, Inc. Newark, New Jersey’s SAMHSA funded treatment for individuals with serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance or co-occurring disorders experiencing homelessness project.

October 2018 to current.

Evaluator – The HRI project includes:

a. Outreach to homeless individuals in jails, emergency shelters and other locations.

b. Use of integrated dual disorder treatment.

c. Motivational interviewing.

d. Seeking safety evidence-based programs.

The evaluation consists of:

a. Collection of GPRA performance data.

b. Analysis of this data in relation to the project’s objectives.

c. Provision of quality improvement recommendations.

3. Pregnant and Postpartum Women (PPW) Discretionary Services Grant

SAMHSA funded Pregnant and Postpartum Women Discretionary Services Grant.

December 2017 to current.

Evaluator – This project’s objectives include:

a. Increasing community capacity.

b. Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD)

c. Increasing attention to child health promotion, prevention, and treatment interventions.

d. Improving child functioning.

e. Increasing attention to the engagement.

f. Active involvement of fathers of the children, partners of the women, and other family members of the women and children.

g. Reunifying/reuniting families.

h. Improving family functioning and well-being.

i. Improving quality of life.

The evaluation consists of:

a. Collection of GPRA performance data

b. Analysis of this data in relation to the project’s objectives

c. Provision of quality improvement recommendations.

4. HIV Capacity Building Initiative

Team Management 2000, Inc.: Newark, New Jersey’s SAMHSA funded HIV Capacity Building Initiative.

October 2016 to current.

Evaluator. Grant’s objectives include:

a. Enhancing youth specific strategic planning and system capacity.

b. Implementing targeted outreach.

c. Distributing condoms as an environmental strategy.

d. Engaging youth as in HIV/VH counseling/testing & street-smart evidence-based prevention programming.

e. Linking participants to behavioral health treatment, housing support, confirmatory testing and/or HIV medical care (based on screening/testing results).

The evaluation consists of:

a. Collection of GPRA performance data.

b. Analysis of this data in relation to the project’s objectives.

c. Provision of quality improvement recommendations.

More concise descriptions of some past projects are listed below.

Prior Projects

5. School District Efficiency Reviews

The South Carolina Education Oversight Committee (EOC) contracted with Tidwell & Associates, Inc. to conduct an efficiency study of Clarendon 1, Barnwell 19, Lexington 4, and Dorchester 2 School Districts. The goal was to identify opportunities to improve operational efficiencies and reduce non-instructional costs. In addition to finding 112 commendations across all four districts, our team found 240 recommendations for improvement. If the four districts implement Tidwell and Associates, Inc. 240 recommendations, a total of $11,784,684 could be saved over a five- year period.

6. Safe Schools, Healthy Students Grants

(qty: 7), U.S. Department of Education. Funding range (annually): $750,000-$1,200,000 annually; duration: 4-5 years. The firm also developed the S.C. Safe Schools Task Force Report for the Governor, Attorney General, and State Superintendent of Education.

7. Smaller Learning Communities Grants

(qty: 1), U.S. Department of Education. Funding: $1,879,329; Duration: 5 years.

8. Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Grants

(qty: 4), U.S. Department of Education. Funding range: $1,200,000; Duration: 3 years.

9. 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grants

(qty: 4), U.S. Department of Education. Funding average: $1,000,000, Duration: 3 years.

10. Technology Challenge Grants

(qty: 1), U.S. Department of Education. Funding: $10,000,000, Duration: 5 years. This grant was for three educational consortia in Florida which serve 33 rural school districts.

11. Substance Abuse Prevention Grants

(qty: 6), U.S. Department of Education. Funding range: $600,000-$1.6 million.

12. Substance Abuse Treatment Grants

(qty: 14), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Funding range $900,000-$2,000,000. Duration: average of 3 years.

13. Mental Health Treatment Grants

(qty: 6), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Funding range: $375,000-$5,000,000. Duration: 3.5 years (SAMHSA).

14. Substance Abuse Prevention Coalitions

(qty: 4), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA); (1) Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant. Funding range: $1,000,000 $3,000,000. Duration: average of 3 years.

15. Capacity Building Grant for Non-Profits

(qty: 1), United Way of The Midlands, SC, Administration for Children and Families, Partners in Compassion (PIC), Funding: $1,500,000, Duration: 3 years.

16. Adolescent Infrastructure Change Projects

(qty: 3), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Funding range: $1,500,000 $3,000,000. Duration: 3.5 years.

17. Correctional Programs


a. US Department of Education, SC Department of Corrections, Out for Life, Funding $1,146,381, Duration: 3 Years;

b. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, SC Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse, New Connections, a therapeutic treatment community at the Department of Corrections, Funding: $3,927,498, Duration: 3 years;

c. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, S.C. Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services, Stayin’ Straight, Funding: $1,240,800, Duration: 3 years;

d. SAMHSA, SC Department of Mental Health, Project CALM, a jail diversion program, Funding: $892,593, Duration: 3 years.

18. Crime Victim Assistance Projects

(qty: 6), S.C. Director of Public Safety and Director of Juvenile Justice. Duration: 1 year-18 months.

a. Project 1: To assess the implementation of the Crime Victims Bill of Rights in S.C.,

b. Project 2: To develop a master plan for crime victim services,

c. Project 3: To develop a plan for the provision of domestic violence services in the state,

d. Project 4: To determine the number of crime victims being served by the S.C. Department of Mental Health and the practices being utilized to identify and serve crime victims, and the

e. Project 5: To develop a protocol for serving child victims in court.

f. Project 6: An NIJ project, to examine practices in three states for the handling of child victims in criminal court and develop a protocol for the court system to use in handling child victim cases.

g. Another project was to provide training across the country in effectively servicing crime victims. While Mr. Tidwell was the Governor’s Division of Public Safety, he led the efforts to pass legislation creating a Crime Victims Bill of Rights in South Carolina, and has served on the board of the S.C. Victim Assistance Network for 28 years.

19. Intervention and Assistance for Low Performing Schools

(qty: 1), U.S. Department of Education. Tidwell & Associates, Inc. was a co-evaluator with MGT of America on this project which assessed a S.C. Department of Education grant to provide intensive services in low performing schools to make systemic changes in those school systems.

20. Race to The Top

(qty:1), Tidwell & Associates was a subcontractor with MGT of America to assist in evaluating the great teachers and leaders component of Florida’s Race To The Top grant. This included an analysis of collective bargaining agreements for school districts and conducting site visits and interviews with schools and district personnel in selected school districts in Florida.

21. Juvenile Justice

Tidwell & Associates was the lead consultant for developing a juvenile justice reform report for a task force led by a Supreme Court Justice. Mr. Tidwell  directed efforts in Florida to develop juvenile justice standards and goals. Mr. Tidwell spearheaded efforts to establish the first juvenile arbitration program in S.C., which is now statewide. The firm was the program developer and evaluator for the bridge program, which provides substance abuse treatment services to youth leaving institutions and treatment programs, and this program has been sustained in South Carolina.

To learn more about how Tidwell & Associates, Inc. can meet your program evaluation and funding needs: